Trouble makers

I've been researching some mad mad people lately. People who want to stop your right to use freedom of speech.

    These people have support from people like Time magazine, the United Nations, a pretty much powerless organization, and Google. I'm talking about third wave #Feminism.

They use words out of context, and like to repeatedly use words such as patriarchy and misogyny.

Anita Sarkeesian
Leader of @FemFreq, who have a verified tick. Has only posted about 40 tweets up to Feb 25th this year (2016).

Anita has been listed by Time magazine as one of the top 30 influences on women.

She has been attacking video games for a couple of years. Claims to be a video games expert and also claims she is being harassed and has to be under police protection. Causes her own misery.

Now one of the founders of Twitter @Jack here has hired her to work on Twitter @Safety to help combat online abuse and harassment. Hahahahaha!

And now twitter is Shadow Blocking peoples tweets, and so blocking your freedom of speech, and so I wouldn't bother buying adverts and promotions from Twitter!

Oh and the second biggest shareholder on twitter is now a Saudi prince, and they just
lashed a bloke in Saudi Arabia for tweeting atheist tweets and he's got ten years in prison!

If you love twitter, tell people about this, cos its going the way of  MySpace!!

And don't you think this is odd?

Zoe Quinn
Crazy friend of Anita, as seen in the above video.

Chanty "Big Red" Binx
A real loud potty mouth this one. Just out of control!

Melissa Click


Let me know what you think, either here or on Twitter :)